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Roots are important!
13 Dec 2012
What we believe about our origins can (and should) make a real difference to our lives here and now—and after death too!
by Phil Robinson
DNA and bone cells found in dinosaur bone
11 Dec 2012
Dino bone has DNA in just the right positions to be from the dino. But measured rates of DNA decay in bones prohibit survival for 65 million years.
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
How does the Bible teach 6,000 years?
15 Jun 2024
Calculating the dates from the Flood to the Exile.
by Lita Sanders
Why do some Christians suffer more than others?
09 Dec 2012
The Lord never promised his people freedom from suffering before until the eternal state.
by Lita Sanders
Three early arguments for deep time—part I: time needed to erode valleys
07 Dec 2012
Part I: Time needed to erode valleys.
by John K Reed
Perils of Theistic Evolution
06 Dec 2012
The case against theistic evolution must not be silenced by claims that creationism brings the gospel into disrepute—on the contrary, the stakes are high and this is no time for surrender!
by Philip Bell
The bamboozling panda
05 Dec 2012
China’s peaceful and solitary mountain dwellers—a puzzlement to evolution; a friendly reminder of Creation.
by David Catchpoole
Carrying the Creation Torch
04 Dec 2012
The London Olympics were widely considered a success, the result of a combination of good organisation and great athleticism, two attributes Christians should be demonstrating on the race track of life.
by Philip Bell
Rodhocetus and other stories of whale evolution
03 Dec 2012
Rodhocetus, a key fossil in the story of whale evolution, proves to be nothing like textbooks and articles portray.
by Don Batten
Ice core clamour
02 Dec 2012
CMI hoses down a blizzard of objections from a rabid anti-creationist.
by CMI
Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking: Aliens
01 Dec 2012
Stephen Hawking looks for alien life in our solar system and the universe beyond, but offers nothing other than his own wishful thinking manifested in assumptions, speculations, and computer simulations.
by Russell Grigg
Evolutionary troubles with the origin and demise of dinosaurs
30 Nov 2012
Lack of information and heated debates divide evolutionist researchers.
by Michael J Oard