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Was there really no death before the Fall?
13 Apr 2024
A correspondent asks: Was there really no death before the Fall? What about bugs and bee stingers?
by Lita Sanders
Beneficial mutations: real or imaginary?—part 1
01 Apr 2016
As a result of studies of the human genome, mutations are being classified into just two categories—‘deleterious’ and ‘functional’.
by Alex Williams
The Creator’s relationship with Israel and the Church
31 Mar 2016
The doctrine of creation moved the psalmists to praise God. Do we?
by Lita Sanders
The Wright brothers: pioneers of the skies
30 Mar 2016
The Wright brothers had a solid, Bible-based Christian upbringing which shaped their lives and led them to develop powered flight.
by Ann Lamont
Is, ought, or enemy?
29 Mar 2016
The instinctive reactions against suffering by atheists, theistic evolutionists and biblical Christians alike, only make sense within a biblical worldview.
by Marc Ambler
28 Mar 2016
by Patrick Clarke
‘Why doesn’t my argument work?’
26 Mar 2016
Dealing with the frustration of our best arguments falling on deaf ears.
by Shaun Doyle
Why did Jesus wear a crown of thorns?
25 Mar 2016
What’s Easter got to do with biblical creation? Everything in fact! The thorny crown and crucifixion of Jesus on that first ‘Good Friday’ harks back to Genesis chapter 3.
by Phil Robinson and Colin Jones
Praising the Creator in the Psalms
24 Mar 2016
The doctrine of creation moved the psalmists to praise God. Do we?
by Lita Sanders
Mini ‘hand grenades’ explode evolutionary ideas
23 Mar 2016
The tiny fruit of a plant lands a big blow against evolution.
by Dr Wolfgang Kuhn
Can we know anything about the past?
22 Mar 2016
Ehrman’s latest book is just in time for the Easter season.
by Lita Sanders
The human nose knows better than we thought
21 Mar 2016
The human sense of smell is a lot more sensitive than was thought.
by David Catchpoole