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Is man just an evolved ape with a spirit?
11 Apr 2011
Man’s special abilities affirm mankind’s creation in God’s image.
by Robert Gurney
Eclipses and Easter, big bang questions
09 Apr 2011
Are lunar eclipses possible during a full moon? And what about WMAP discoveries, universe ‘flatness’, rotating objects in the big bang model, and white holes?
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Does music have evolutionary origins?
08 Apr 2011
Where did music come from? What is its purpose? Can such questions even be answered?
by Greg Demme
Racism—a consequence of evolution?
07 Apr 2011
An icon of evolution is grimly representative of evolution’s role in inspiring racism.
by Lita Cosner, Gary Bates
The lost squadron
25 May 2016
WWII fighter planes abandoned on a Greenland glacier were found 50 years later, already under 75 metres of ice.
by Carl Wieland
Why not? And why?
05 Apr 2011
The power of asking the right questions.
by Yoke-Peng Kong
Darwin’s mentors
25 Jul 2012
Two prominent clergymen unwittingly gave Darwin the long-age time frame he needed to make evolution ‘work’.
by Russell Grigg
Does Creation make the Gospel a laughing stock?
02 Apr 2011
Most of the responses to our correspondence with the compromising chaplain were positive. Here we respond to the only one who disagreed.
by Lita Cosner, Gary Bates
Reading the Bible and understanding nature
01 Apr 2011
A review of The Bible, Protestantism, and the Rise of Natural Science by Peter Harrison
by Lael Weinberger
The Emergent Deception—the evolution factor
31 Mar 2011
What every pastor and every Christian needs to know about the Emergent Church movement
by Lita Sanders
Creation rescued me from drugs
30 Mar 2011
One man’s journey from the ‘nightmare’ of drug addiction
by Peter Davis
The problem of evil: pre-Fall animal death?
29 Mar 2011
Did Adam’s pre-Fall immortality depend on access to the Tree of Life and was there any sort of death of sentient animals before the Fall?
by Philip Bell