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Do you really believe God?
18 Nov 2013
A sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Think about the rest of the Bible when ‘reinterpreting’ Genesis 1.
by Don Batten
How did the Creation change after the Fall?
17 Nov 2013
An enquirer asks what mechanisms were at work so as to change the perfect world God originally created into the violent, disease infested world we now live in.
by Dominic Statham
The Natural Bridge has two sides
16 Nov 2013
There are two sides to it.
by Tas Walker
Creation in-depth: Proteins from random amino acid chains?
15 Nov 2013
Have experiments shown that a high proportion of random polypeptides naturally form native-like folds?
by Royal Truman
Salad bar Christianity!
14 Nov 2013
Creation is a vital foundation to the doctrine of the Gospel.
by Gary Bates
Salamanders are ‘living fossils’!
13 Nov 2013
How can something long known to be living, be dubbed a ‘living fossil’?
by David Catchpoole
It’s time for evolutionist geologists to face the evidence
12 Nov 2013
A critique of David Montgomery’s GSA-Today attack on creationist geology.
by Tas Walker
A thorny issue
11 Nov 2013
What should Christians do with fossil thorns dated as being millions of years old?
by David Catchpoole
Loaded terms
10 Nov 2013
Using words that speak the evolutionist’s language.
by Gary Bates
Autumn leaves don’t Fall (by accident)
09 Nov 2013
A ‘cascade’ of carefully coordinated chemical processes lies behind Autumn’s glorious leafy cascade.
by David Catchpoole
Misunderstanding creation
08 Nov 2013
A review of Holman QuickSource™ Guide to Understanding Creation by Mark Whorton and Hill Roberts.
by Andrew Kulikovsky
Do I have to believe in a historical Genesis to be saved?
27 Sep 2022
It all depends on what the gospel is.
by Shaun Doyle