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More or less information?
18 Feb 2023
Responding to vexatious evolutionist challenges about genetic information.
by Andrew Lamb
‘Sleeping Beauty’ bacteria
12 Feb 2007
Researchers have successfully revived Antarctic bacteria said to have been dormant for eight million years. But sceptics say that’s impossible—there must have been contamination. So what’s the answer?
by David Catchpoole
Darwinism’s influence on modern racists and white supremacist groups: the case of David Duke
19 Aug 2009
The extensive writings of David Duke, head of the largest white supremacist organization in the world, show the strong influence of evolutionary notions in his racist views.
by Jerry Bergman
Atheist with a Mission
24 Jun 2023
The evolution-based attack on God by ‘new atheist’ Richard Dawkins (2006) was a best-seller, but do its arguments stack up?
by Philip Bell
Abortion: an indispensable right or violence against women?
18 May 2013
Sex-selection abortion has resulted in killing girl babies, leading to a surplus of men. This is a dilemma for today’s abortion-on-demand feminists, who betray the pro-life stance of the feminist founders.
by Lita Sanders
Jesus Fish/Darwin Fish
01 Jul 2009
Opponents of Christian faith have parodied the ancient symbol of the Christian faith, the ‘Jesus fish’. Their creations underline the significance of evolutionary doctrine to unbelievers, which Christians cannot ignore.
by Grant Williams
Melbourne atheist: the exterminator
04 May 2024
Evolutionary thinking has serious logical consequences, as shown by this scientist who advocates totalitarian population control measures—and is given free rein on Australia’s ABC radio.
by Bill Muehlenberg
Egyptian history and the biblical record: a perfect match?
23 Jan 2007
The historical accounts in Genesis and Exodus are often attacked on the basis of the ‘secure’ Egyptian chronology—but scholars are increasingly discovering that this is itself on shaky ground.
by By Daniel Anderson
Did God create life?
22 Jan 2007
Stanley Miller’s famous 1953 experiments are anything but evidence for evolution.
by By Thomas Heinze
The Christian foundations of the rule of law in the West: a legacy of liberty and resistance against tyranny
15 Oct 2013
The Bible has been historically recognized as the most important book for the development of both the rule of law and democratic institutions in the Western world.
by Augusto Zimmermann
Off the planet!
15 Jan 2007
A leading evolutionary scientist believes that a cosmic ‘greeting card’ could have been left in our DNA.
by By Gary Bates
Too dry for a fly
20 Oct 2021
When researchers found that a rainforest fly was unable to adapt to drier conditions, it was ‘a complete surprise’. But why?
by David Catchpoole