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What is sin?
22 Jun 2021
To effectively share the Good News, we must first understand the ‘bad news’.
by Lita Sanders
The ridiculously poisonous Manchineel
21 Jun 2021
Every part of this tree is poisonous. How can we explain it?
by Lita Sanders
Body, soul, and spirit
19 Jun 2021
What does the term “soul” mean? What are the components of human beings, and how are they transmitted from generation to generation? Are Christian doctrines Greek or Hebrew?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Rapid growth of caves and speleothems: part 1—the excavation of the cave
18 Jun 2021
Could sulfuric acid help excavate many caves in a biblical timescale?
by Michael J. Oard
Australia's largest dinosaur drowned and buried in Noah's Flood
17 Jun 2021
Drowned and buried in Noah’s Flood.
by Tas Walker
Going batty over evolution
16 Jun 2021
Bats’ wings in flight are not simply skin-covered paddles flapping up and down—this thwarts evolutionary explanation.
by David Catchpoole
Theistic evolution and the doctrine of death
15 Jun 2021
‘No death before sin’, say biblical creationists, as an argument against theistic evolution—but there is so much more to the argument than that.
by Philip Bell
Unique yellow penguin sighted
14 Jun 2021
Evolution in action or loss of information?
by Phil Robinson
T. rex, cats, and attack-defence structures
12 Jun 2021
Answering a question about the purpose of attack-defence structures like claws, and about vegetarian diets pre-Fall.
by Gavin Cox
The conversation that never happened
11 Jun 2021
A conversation that never happened.
by Thomas Fretwell
See no truth, hear no truth
08 Jun 2021
A society where all views are allowed, or only ‘approved’ views? Who decides? What do evolutionists fear that they feel the need to ridicule or oppose creationists?
by Lucien Tuinstra
Origins questions led to career in genetics
07 Jun 2021
Tasman Walker talks to Dr Peter Borger about biochemistry and the meaning of life
by Tas Walker