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Will the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) find extra-terrestrial life?
27 Apr 2024
The James Webb space telescope will be able to examine the atmospheres of exoplanets in greater clarity than ever before. Will we find a truly habitable exoplanet?
by Joshua Howells
Egyptian chronology confusion
08 Dec 2020
Christian researchers understand the need for a revision of the standard Egyptian chronology. If Christians are working from the same premise though, why are there such huge differences of opinion?
by Gary Bates
Spider eyes shining in the rocks
07 Dec 2020
These bright-eyed, perfectly-preserved fossils provide compelling evidence for the global Flood recorded in the Bible
by Jonathan O’Brien
The deficiency of ‘red letter’ Christianity
05 Dec 2020
A reader asks: Are only the ‘red letters’ inspired? We respond!
by Lita Sanders
A book about human errors that don’t exist
04 Dec 2020
A book about human errors that don’t exist.
by Jerry Bergman
RNA Vaccines
03 Dec 2020
RNA vaccines have been developed to fight COVID-19. Are they dangerous? Will they modify our DNA?
by Robert Carter
Caring for creation
02 Dec 2020
Caring for creation
by Don Batten
Responding to supposed refutations of genetic entropy from the ‘experts’
01 Dec 2020
Evolutionist scientists on Dr Swamidass’ blog try their hands at refuting Genetic Entropy!
by Paul Price, Robert Carter, John Sanford
Genetic entropy: The silent killer
30 Nov 2020
A devastatingly powerful argument against evolution
by Paul Price
Was Noah’s Flood too destructive?
28 Nov 2020
Could Noah’s Ark and creatures outside the Flood survived the conditions Noah’s Flood created?
by Shaun Doyle
Some strengths and weaknesses of the polymer shield explanation for soft tissue fossils
27 Nov 2020
Does the evidence justify invoking this mechanism to preserve soft tissues for millions of years?
by Brian Thomas, Stephen Taylor, and Kevin Anderson
The human genome is amazingly complex
26 Nov 2020
The genome is not simple. It is a hyper-sophisticated information processing system that cannot be explained by the Darwinian descent-with-modification idea.
by Robert Carter