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Swine flu—Is it evidence of evolution?
02 Jun 2009
Just as with AIDS and avian influenza, the latest virus scare is being hailed as proof that evolution is true.
by Carl Wieland and David Catchpoole
Smaller fish to fry
03 Nov 2021
Dramatic reductions in fish size disappoint anglers and surprise many evolutionists
by David Catchpoole
Adam and the immune system
30 May 2009
Did Adam have an immune system like ours? And if so, what was it for, if life was perfect and there were no diseases?
by Carl Wieland
Geological pioneer Nicolaus Steno was a biblical creationist
29 May 2009
Steno believed that the Bible recorded an accurate history of the earth. His geological framework is remarkably similar to biblical models developed by modern creationist geologists.
by Tas Walker
MSNBC’s seven signs of evolution all point to creation
28 May 2009
Evidence presented to support evolution does not do what is claimed.
by Tas Walker
Darwinism and the Nazi race holocaust
27 May 2009
Darwinism and the Nazi race Holocaust
by Jerry Bergman
Can’t drink milk? You’re “normal”!
26 Jan 2022
For years, lactose intolerance was regarded as abnormal.
by David Catchpoole
Is ‘string’ the next big thing?
25 May 2009
Some are tempted to marry their ideas about God to the latest fad in physics, like ‘string theory’. But such ideas often only exist as scratches on paper, without experimental support.
by Gary Bates
Darwin fossil hyper-hype
23 May 2009
The public hoopla over this fossil belies its real significance. Perhaps it is not really about science at all.
by Don Batten
Clarity and confusion
22 May 2009
Behe shows that mutation and selection can accomplish little—nothing like the hugely complex machinery of life. But ignoring the Bible leads to confusion over a coherent explanation.
by Don Batten
Cuttlefish colour changes inspire new energy-efficient TV screen design
04 Oct 2017
Human designers of TV screen copy one of the ways cuttlefish change colour.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Darwinism: it was all in the family
01 Feb 2012
Darwinism began not with Charles but with his grandfather Erasmus.
by Russell Grigg