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How should Christians think about homosexuality and transgenderism?
27 Nov 2018
Responding to a “Christian psychiatrist” on homosexuality and transgenderism.
by Lita Sanders
OT scholar: Genesis teaches a short timescale
26 Nov 2018
Old Testament professor: Genesis 5 and 11 are accurate and gap-free timelines that teach a ~6,000-year-old earth
by Jonathan Sarfati
Which of the physical sciences does CMI believe in?
22 Apr 2023
Does CMI reject science? How can we believe what we do in the face of the evidence? The answer is simple.
by Robert Carter
Carol Cleland’s case for historical science—part 1: devaluing experimental science
23 Nov 2018
Is experimental science overrated?
by John K. Reed and Peter Klevberg
Hybrid approaches to Creation
22 Nov 2018
Is there a middle ground between thousands and billions of years? Can the earth be hundreds of thousands of years old?
by Robert Carter
The Cambrian explosion
21 Nov 2018
The remarkable fossils found in the Cambrian rocks provide devastating evidence against Darwin’s theory.
by Dominic Statham
Scriptural originalism
20 Nov 2018
Do we seek the author’s original meaning in interpreting scripture or impose our own meaning based on trends in culture, politics or science?
by Marc Ambler
Spider decoys
19 Nov 2018
These spiders are programmed to make larger duplicates of themselves and then animate them to scare and confuse predators.
by Calvin Smith
Why refer someone to a pastor?
17 Nov 2018
Someone questions why we would advise someone to speak further with their pastor.
by Lita Sanders
Non-glacial landforms indicate thin Scandinavian and British-Irish Ice Sheets
16 Nov 2018
Were these ice sheets too thick to fit within the biblical Ice Age?
by Michael J. Oard
Marriage and identity crisis
15 Nov 2018
Who am I? Increasingly, redefining marriage and gender are held up as a human rights. Some are also pushing to redefine their age, race and even species.
by Lucien Tuinstra
Russell Grigg a fulfilling life
14 Nov 2018
Entering his 10th decade, Russell Grigg continues to run with endurance the race set before him.
by Creation magazine