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Darwinism and racism – are they linked?
27 Feb 2021
Is Darwinism foundational to racism? Was Darwin a racist himself? What about the biblical view?
by Shaun Doyle & Lucien Tuinstra
Orthodox on God; ambivalent on biblical literalism; bypassing science; socially conservative
26 Feb 2021
Orthodox on God, ambivalent on biblical literalism, bypassing science, and socially conservative.
by John Woodmorappe
Prepare ye the way—the aliens are coming! Part two
25 Feb 2021
Disclosure! A much-desired proclamation by the UFO community about alien visitations to the earth, might not be far away. Are we prepared?
by Gary Bates
The French Connection
24 Feb 2021
Western belief in ‘deep time’ first appeared in 17th and 18th century France
by Andrew Sibley
Animals on the Ark
23 Feb 2021
Various old-earth positions have loads of trouble figuring out why God put animals on the ark!
by Paul Price
The amazing bombardier beetle
22 Feb 2021
God’s engineering marvel that inspired new spray system designs.
by Andy McIntosh
Why should a Christian ‘labour and toil’?
20 Feb 2021
Are Christians exempt from work, or on the contrary, called to work, unto the Lord? Our work ethics are rooted in the book of Genesis.
by Marc Ambler
Comparison of morphology-based and genomics-based baraminology methods
19 Feb 2021
A comparison of morphology-based and genomics-based approaches to understanding the created kinds.
by Matthew Cserhati and Joel Tay
What does it mean to be a “living  creature”?
18 Feb 2021
Would a robotic dog that could make copies of itself be alive?
by James R. Hughes
Time fears the pyramids?
17 Feb 2021
How the Egyptian pyramids fit into the true biblical history
by Gavin Cox
CMI’s response to the ‘electric universe’
16 Feb 2021
We explain why CMI is not interested in entertaining ‘electric universe’ ideas.
by Don Batten
The perfect planet
15 Feb 2021
For those with eyes to see, a new Attenborough series conveys much biblical truth
by Michael Matthews