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From a frog to a … frog!
26 Apr 2017
The incredible transformation from tadpole to frog defies evolutionary explanation.
by Adrian Bates
Science of the gaps
25 Apr 2017
Atheists are convinced life came into being by naturalistic processes, but do their conclusions match the evidence?
by Nick Kastelein
Pole vaulting and creation
28 Jun 2023
Why does a pole-vaulting champ think that biblical Creation is vital for the Gospel?
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
DNA research says Australian Aborigines arrived 50,000 years ago
22 Apr 2017
But how reliable are the ‘molecular clocks’?
by Tas Walker
Examining the floating forest hypothesis: a geological perspective
21 Apr 2017
Testing the waters to see if this idea explains how massive coal beds were formed.
by Timothy L. Clarey
Remembering God’s mighty acts
20 Apr 2017
The Bible calls us to read its narrative in ways that contradict deep time.
by Shaun Doyle
Can we know God?
18 Apr 2017
Paul Young’s latest book is full of heretical teachings that should surprise no one familiar with his previous work.
by Lita Sanders
Why did God give us a book?
15 Apr 2023
Out of all the possible modes of communication, why did God give us a book?
by Lita Sanders
Reconciled with God
14 Apr 2017
Jesus is able to save us through His death because He is the Creator and Sustainer.
by Lita Cosner and Jonathan Sarfati
Why CMI rejects ‘conspiracy’ theorizing
13 Apr 2017
What should we think about the conspiracy theorizing out there? How do we approach the world in knowledge and faith and discernment all at the same time? Our contention is that we can be faithful to the Bible and science without sacrificing either.
by Robert Carter, Jonathan Sarfati
Trappist planets not in habitable zone
11 Apr 2017
Three of the seven planets orbiting Trappist-1, are said by NASA to be in the habitable zone; however, research shows that neither life nor even water have been found there.
by Russell Grigg
Fish dislike heavy metal
10 Apr 2017
River trout have been found with amazing resistance to toxic pollutants but this turns out to be in-built.
by Philip Bell