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The essential doctrine of the Trinity
30 Aug 2014
Does the Bible really teach that there is one God in three Persons?
by Lita Sanders
Creation in-depth: Dinosaur eggs
29 Aug 2014
What do porous dinosaur eggs laid on flat bedding planes mean?
by Michael J. Oard
‘More than a pile of stones’
28 Aug 2014
The battle of world views is often most fiercely contested when it concerns the believed age of rocks. Northern Ireland’s Giant’s Causeway illustrates this particularly well.
by Phil Robinson
Moulting arthropod fossilized in a flash!
27 Aug 2014
Arthropods moult in mere minutes, yet this ancient specimen was caught in the act, showing disaster struck suddenly, like the Bible says.
by David Catchpoole
Losing our religion?
26 Aug 2014
According to New Scientist, we are losing our religion. But there’s more to the story than they’re willing to admit.
by Warren Nunn
A watchman for the Lord
25 Aug 2014
As a well-known US street evangelist constantly encounters the challenge of evolutionary thinking, he is well-equipped with the answers.
by Gary Bates
Richard Dawkins: Dolphins worth more than babies with Down Syndrome?
24 Aug 2014
Dawkins’s latest Twitter rant insults the dignity of people with Down Syndrome.
by Lita Sanders
Mormonism … rooted in evolution?
23 Aug 2014
If Mormon doctrine is true and the first God was once a man, where did that 1st man come from? Evolution is the only logical response …
by Calvin Smith
Helium-3 capture in lunar regolith and the age of the moon
22 Aug 2014
Is there too much helium in moon rocks for a young solar system?
by Andrew Sibley
The whites of their eyes
21 Aug 2014
Hollywood’s obsession with making apes appear as human as possible starts with the eyes.
by Warren Nunn
When birds of a feather don’t breed together …
20 Aug 2014
What are ‘ring species’, and are they a legitimate argument for ‘proof of change of kinds’, as some evolutionists claim?
by Carl Wieland
Is there definitive evidence for an expanding universe?
19 Aug 2014
Some big bang cosmologists end up with the conclusion they want to find simply by turning the evolution knob.
by John Hartnett