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The search for Adam, Eve, Noah and the Flood—in Ancient Egypt?
13 Feb 2021
Answering an interesting question about whether the Ancient Egyptians knew about Adam’s genealogies up to Noah and Mizraim.
by Gavin Cox
Keen insights into Genesis 1–3 flawed by analogical days approach
12 Feb 2021
Some keen insights into Genesis 1–3, but hampered by an analogical days approach.
by Keaton Halley
How would your child draw Noah’s Ark?
11 Feb 2021
Would your child draw a cutesy bathtub Ark, or one that matches the biblical size and shape in Genesis 6?
by Phil Robinson
Fantastic far-reaching foxtrot
10 Feb 2021
How an arctic fox’s far-reaching migration testifies to the post-Flood dispersion
by Philip Robinson
The fingerprintless family
09 Feb 2021
Rare mutation in a Bangladeshi family means they lack fingerprints. Is this evolution in action?
by Phil Robinson
One for all and all for one
08 Feb 2021
Or are the supposed ‘examples’ of it just a case of designed adaptability?
by Matthew Cserhati
Is God “not a very nice guy”?
06 Feb 2021
God killed the entire population of the earth, except Noah and his family, during the Flood. Was this evil?
by Lita Sanders
Does ‘race’ science refute superior humans?
05 Feb 2021
Does ‘race’ science refute superior humans? Angela Saini explores the depths of racism and eugenics through history and into present times.
by Lucien Tuinstra
Divine design denies evolution
04 Feb 2021
To the unprejudiced, unexpectedly diverse instructions in fly embryos and recently discovered leg springs in flea beetles argue powerfully for Created design.
by Gavin Cox
Secular scientific problems with the Ice Age
03 Feb 2021
What drives their models and why they have scientific problems
by Michael Oard
The work ethic
02 Feb 2021
The source of the work ethic that drove development of Western democracies.
by Marc Ambler
Answering the #1 question
01 Feb 2021
A sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Tas Walker