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Lowest common denominator Christianity?
19 Apr 2018
Some people claim to subscribe to “mere Christianity”. Should we support “mere creationism”?
by Lita Sanders
Fossilized dinosaur retains its shape
17 Apr 2018
Scientists excited that many details remain visible in exquisitely preserved creature.
by Warren Nunn
Razor clam
16 Apr 2018
The razor clam gives digging lessons to surprised and envious engineers.
by David Catchpoole
Simultaneous causation and the beginning of time
14 Apr 2018
Can causes operate at the same time as their effects?
by Shaun Doyle
Has light from the first stars after the big bang been detected?
13 Apr 2018
Or is it concluded from the assumption of a big bang?
by John Hartnett
Remembering the Christian roots of science
12 Apr 2018
A Law-Giver, not atheism, is the only rational basis for true scientific endeavor. Like it or not (and many don’t), science really is rooted in the Bible.
by Dominic Statham
God’s webspinners give chemists free lessons
11 Apr 2018
The production of man-made fibres that have bullet-stopping capabilities leaves behind dangerous chemicals and don’t match the wonders of a spiderweb.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Christian apologists trip over the age of the earth … again
10 Apr 2018
A Christian advocate of millions of years of death and ‘natural evil’ before Adam is challenged to answer the dilemma this poses, namely that it implies that the Creator God is a moral monster.
by Thomas Fretwell
Long-distance boulder deposits reveal Noah’s Flood
09 Apr 2018
When rocks are found great distances from their place of origin, what explanation best fits such an occurrence?
by Michael Oard
Does God judge sinners?
13 Nov 2021
And how does Jesus’ death allow sinners to go free and be reconciled to God?
by Shaun Doyle
Utterly preserved cells are not remnants—a critique of Dinosaur Blood and the Age of the Earth
06 Apr 2018
Evolutionists’ attempts to explain stunning preservation in fossils are totally unconvincing.
by Mark Armitage
The not-so-Nobel decision
04 Apr 2018
Despite Raymond Damadian’s role in the development of MRI, he was overlooked for the Nobel Prize.
by Carl Wieland