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Explaining nearby objects that are old in time dilation cosmologies
15 Jul 2016
The thinking behind the existence of old objects close to Earth.
by Ron Samec
Racial reconciliation: The Gospel is the answer
14 Jul 2016
With senseless shootings leaving America feeling more divided than ever, how can Christians respond?
by Scott Gillis, Lita Cosner
Mount Rushmore ... evidence of design
13 Jul 2016
Design in nature could not be more obvious, but it’s a mountain too high to climb for some.
by Paula Weston
The atheists’ creation story
12 Jul 2016
The evolutionary worldview is maintained by storytelling and censorship.
by Dominic Statham
The tower of Hanoi
11 Jul 2016
The task of moving around items constrained by a few rules actually points to the infinite intelligence of the Creator.
by Samuel Gan
Seeing is believing for evolutionists
09 Jul 2016
An evolutionist challenges creationists to look at what he considers is strong evidence for his position: different modes of birth among otherwise related creatures.
by Philip Bell
Controversy over the uniformitarian age of Grand Canyon
08 Jul 2016
Even secular scientists can’t agree on what age to assign one of the world’s most magnificent geological features.
by Michael J Oard
Old-earth or young-earth belief
06 Jul 2016
History shows that from the early days of the church, Bible scholars clearly understood the earth was ‘young’.
by Don Batten
UFOs are not extraterrestrial!
05 Jul 2016
Honest secular researchers are finding anomalies with the idea that UFOs are extraterrestrial in nature—mirroring the work of pioneer CMI researcher Gary Bates.
by Gary Bates
A dangerous view
04 Jul 2016
Your view of the world depends on where you stand.
by David Catchpoole
What is the problem with starlight in transit?
02 Jul 2016
And do various biblical miracles have the same problem?
by Lita Sanders
The role of inspiration and imagination in design
01 Jul 2016
An adequate explanation of the concepts of design and inspiration in humans is lacking within an evolutionary framework.
by Matthew P. Brown and Janet Henriksen