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Karst mountains, Guangxi, China, and Noah’s Flood
28 Apr 2013
How do we investigate specific geological features from a biblical Flood perspective?
by Tas Walker
Why is there only one God?
27 Apr 2013
Could there have been multiple deities?
by Keaton Halley
Does observational evidence indicate the universe is expanding?—part 2: the case against expansion
26 Apr 2013
Creation in-depth: The case against expansion.
by John G Hartnett
Questioning ‘How to debate a creationist’ by Michael Shermer
25 Apr 2013
A skeptic gives advice about how to debate creationists, but he unwittingly shows the religious nature of his position.
by Murk Post
How does a ‘box’ swim?
24 Apr 2013
Perhaps you might expect a boxfish to “swim as well as a barn would fly.” In fact, navy engineers are learning important lessons from them.
by David Catchpoole
‘Billions of years’ makes Christians dumb (and atheists loud)
09 Jun 2022
A brilliant way to muzzle Christians: Get them to believe in long ages.
by David Catchpoole
Dawkins’ dilemma: how God forgives sin
22 Apr 2013
God cannot ‘just forgive’ our sins, as Dawkins suggests. If He did, sin would no longer be sin, and God would no longer be God!
by Russell Grigg
Dealing with doubt
21 Apr 2013
There are good ways back to faith if believers sometimes experience doubt in their Christian walk.
by Lita Sanders
Culture vs intelligence
20 Apr 2013
Which explains why some people groups advanced more quickly than others?
by Carl Wieland
Does observational evidence indicate the universe is expanding?—part 1: the case for time dilation
19 Apr 2013
Creation in-depth: The case for time dilation
by John G Hartnett
Galápagos with David Attenborough: Evolution
17 Aug 2022
Sir David Attenborough and Charles Darwin were both mistaken in their evaluation of the animals of the Galápagos as evidence for evolution.
by Russell Grigg
The Religious Nature of Evolution Theory and its Attack on Christianity
17 Apr 2013
The best thing to use in the fight against a religion is actually another religion.
by John G. Leslie, Ph.D. and Charles K. Pallaghy, Ph.D.