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Leaving Darwin to go nowhere
28 Apr 2023
Leaving Darwin to go nowhere?
by Lucien Tuinstra
Genesis 1 and ‘seed faith’
27 Apr 2023
Does the 'seed faith' principle undermine literal six-day creation?
by Shaun Doyle
Thoughts in the heart—proof of bogus science in the Bible?
25 Apr 2023
Answering the accusation that the Bible errs in physiology by associating thinking with the heart instead of the brain.
by Keaton Halley
Migratory birds use magnetic GPS
24 Apr 2023
Knowing the correct direction to fly isn’t always enough
by Jonathan Sarfati
Can ligating homochiral polypeptides explain the origin of homochiral biomolecules?
21 Apr 2023
Has one of the major barriers to abiogenesis been overcome?
by Royal Truman
The ‘waters above’ in Genesis 1—a brief survey of competing interpretations
20 Apr 2023
A range of perspectives exist on how to understand the ‘waters above’. Here’s an introduction to various proposals.
by Keaton Halley
Exodus 3:14 and God’s immutability
18 Apr 2023
What does God’s revelation about Himself at the burning bush imply about His immutability?
by Shaun Doyle
Staying the course
17 Apr 2023
Tas Walker chats with Margaret Wieland
by Tas Walker
The existence of specified information in the universe points to a creator God
14 Apr 2023
How specified information in the universe points to the Creator.
by John Woodmorappe
Quantum Biology and the Origin of Life
13 Apr 2023
Can quantum mechanics allow life to evolve from non-living chemicals?
by Mary Beth De Repentigny and Jonathan Sarfati
Christianity vs Hinduism
11 Apr 2023
What are the differences? Why embrace Christianity?
by Shaun Doyle
Waterfowl: The original flying boats
10 Apr 2023
Ship makers are increasingly inspired by the amazing design of waterfowl
by Michael Eggleton