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Why young-age creationism is good for science
02 Apr 2010
It has the potential to improve the world of science significantly through increased accountability for speculative naturalistic scientists.
by Brett W. Smith
The Age of Earth—who examines the evidence for themselves?
01 Apr 2010
What is the main reason many scientists believe in an old-Earth? Do most study the science for themselves, or do they simply accept the words of others?
by Russell Humphreys
Inscriptions on the Cross
29 Mar 2024
Why do all four Gospels contain different versions? Does this indicate error?
by Russell Grigg
Isaiah 9:6–7: The coming Child who would be called ‘Mighty God’
30 Mar 2010
Isaiah prophesied about the coming of a Child who would also be the ‘Mighty God’ and ‘Father of Eternity’, which can fit only Jesus of Nazareth, the God-Man.
by Jonathan Sarfati
The ‘Pioneer anomaly’
29 Mar 2010
Creationist cosmology explains puzzling slowdown of Pioneer spacecraft.
by D. Russell Humphreys
Is Belief in God a case of Christian wish fulfillment?
27 Mar 2010
An atheist correspondent asserts that Christian belief in God stems from a desire for a Heavenly Father to take care of us, but his argument commits a major logical fallacy.
by Lita Sanders
The immunoglobulin heavy chain gene family and gene duplication
26 Mar 2010
A gene family with irreducibly complex regulation that could not have been produced by past gene duplication followed by diversification.
by Yingguang Liu
Must I be a scientist to truly understand the Bible?
25 Mar 2010
All you need is a basic grasp of the issues, not a science degree, to counter today’s widespread evolutionary arguments against God, and reach out to the lost.
by Greg Demme
The Yellowstone petrified forests
21 Feb 2018
The petrified tree-trunks found in the beautiful national park at Yellowstone have been used for years to ‘prove’ that the Earth cannot be young as the Bible indicates. But the evidence shows otherwise.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Is Intelligence allowed?
23 Mar 2010
As Ben Stein’s Expelled documentary film premieres in London, academics once again debate Design.
by Dominic Statham
Mining mountains in West Virginia
22 Mar 2010
Journey inside the earth reveals another world from another time.
by Tas Walker
The teeth of the patriarchs
20 Mar 2010
With the likes of Adam, Methuselah, Noah and Shem living for hundreds of years, how could the enamel and dentin of their teeth have lasted for so long?
by Carl Wieland