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A Tale of Four Countries
07 Nov 2008
A South African faced with the parlous state of his own country finds striking parallels and lessons in history.
by Marc Ambler
A 5D spherically symmetric expanding universe is young
06 Nov 2008
How do billions of years of light travel time fit into Creation Week?
by John Hartnett
Darwinian evolution was basis of Nazi legal system
05 Nov 2008
The experience of Nazi Germany has important lessons for us today—crucial for the preservation of our human freedom and happiness.
by n/a
Earth Science Ireland uses clergyman in geological controversy
04 Nov 2008
Ignores scientific evidence and argues theology to say creationism is wrong.
by Angus Kennedy
Hitler’s ‘master race’ children haunted by their past
02 May 2012
The living remnants of Hitler’s plan to specially breed a race of ‘superbabies’ are a tragic testimony to the effects of Darwinian thinking.
by Russell Grigg
Creationist article ‘saved my favourite cow’
01 Nov 2008
Did a creationist article on supergerms really help to save a cow from an otherwise fatal illness? What should we learn from this?
by Carl Wieland
The elephant in the room
31 Oct 2008
A bold speech by a New Zealand election candidate pinpoints the problems of secular education afflicting the whole of the western world.
by Renton Maclachlan
Argumentum ad nihilum: argument amounting to nothing
30 Oct 2008
A review of Creation out of Nothing by Paul Copan and William Lane Craig.
by Andrew Kulikovsky
Animal Souls, Slaughter and the Bible
29 Oct 2008
Many are distressed at the slaughter of horses in the USA, seeking to have it banned. A horse-lover seeks to approach the issue dispassionately from God’s Word.
by Rebekah Holt
Dancing Dinosaurs?
28 Oct 2008
A remarkable array of dinosaur footprints found on the Arizona-Utah border in the USA point, not to a dance floor but, to a stampede during Noah’s Flood. See why.
by Michael J. Oard
Golden evidence of the Genesis Flood
27 Oct 2008
Ever wondered why water-transported gold nuggets are found on the tops of hills and mountains?
by Jack Lange
Why is CMI so dogmatic on 24-hour creation days? Revisited
25 Oct 2008
More discussion from a previous feedback about the importance of six consecutive normal-length creation days.
by Jonathan Sarfati