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Large sparrow-finch monobaramin in perching birds
16 Mar 2012
Hybrid data suggests a large sparrow-finch baramin that includes over 1,000 modern species!
by Jean K Lightner
What part of Genesis should we believe? All of it!
15 Mar 2012
A conservative columnist slips up on Genesis.
by Lita Sanders
Is information a ‘false metaphor’ for DNA?
13 Mar 2012
If information is too simplistic a metaphor for DNA, how does that help evolution?
by Alex Williams
Radioactive dating methods
19 Aug 2020
Ways they make conflicting results tell the same story.
by Tas Walker
Abortion, brain development, and brain death
11 Mar 2012
Does an embryo become a person only once brain cells begin developing?
by Carl Wieland
Does the Bible promote injustice?
10 Mar 2012
Slavery, morality, and the positive effect of the Bible on society.
by Lita Cosner, Don batten
Is the K/T the post-Flood boundary?—part 2: paleoclimates and fossils
09 Mar 2012
Do the Tertiary fossils and ‘paleoclimates’ provide strong evidence for identifying the post-Foood boundary with the K/T boundary?
by Michael J Oard
Abortion ‘after birth’? Medical ‘ethicists’ promote infanticide
08 Mar 2012
Evolutionary ‘ethicists’ promote infanticide and deny sanctity of innocent human life.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Does God have body parts?
21 Dec 2016
Moses describes God’s activities in human terms such as speaking, seeing, hearing, walking, etc. Should we regard these descriptions as being ‘literal’?
by Russell Grigg
‘Keep religion out of science classes’
06 Mar 2012
Keep faith and science separate, we’re told. Why, then, do we teach evolution in school science classes?
by Dominic Statham
Sedimentary blankets
05 Mar 2012
Visual evidence for vast continental flooding
by Tas Walker
Christians cannot avoid the issue of evolution
04 Mar 2012
Some Christians have tried to deal with the topic of evolution by simply avoiding it. Has it helped?
by Calvin Smith