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Pigeons don’t fancy Darwin
23 Sep 2020
Pigeon fanciers’ fancy pigeons fuelled Darwin’s flights of fancy
by David Catchpoole
Sinners and saints regardless of race
10 Mar 2018
The best and worst of humanity can be found in people of all races.
by Shaun Doyle
Unintelligent Design?
08 Mar 2018
Evolution, it is claimed, removes the need for a designing intelligence of life on Earth, but this amounts to the logically absurd proposition of ‘Unintelligent Design’.
by Mike G Matthews
The non-evolution of the horse
07 Mar 2018
The amazing variety in these magnificent animals serves as a reminder that things do not make themselves.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Dinosaurs and the ‘Power of the paradigm’
06 Mar 2018
What is ‘paradigm blindness’ and how can creationists counter it?
by Gary Bates
The Bible: written by mere men?
05 Mar 2018
A widely misunderstood verse helps us to answer this question.
by Keaton Halley
Was there enough time for thick permafrost to form?
03 Mar 2018
Is there enough time for permafrost to form in the biblical timeframe?
by Ron Neller
Creationism, evangelism and that bothersome debate?
02 Mar 2018
Despite saying he’s irritated by the creation debate, one author goes to great lengths to add to the discussion.
by John Matthews
Christianity in America is not dying!
01 Mar 2018
A recent survey provides encouraging data for Christians.
by Lita Sanders
Led by the nose
28 Feb 2018
It was an obvious hoax that should have been easy to sniff out, so why were so many taken in?
by Joachim Vetter
Dinosaur and mammal tracks found together
27 Feb 2018
Highly concentrated fossil tracks found near NASA Goddard Space Center support Noah’s Flood
by Michael Oard
Scallop’s amazing mirror eyes
09 Aug 2023
Shellfish has tiny eyes structured like some advanced reflecting telescopes, but make two images.
by Jonathan Sarfati