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Why would Christians be hostile to biblical creation?
13 Jul 2014
There are many different reasons.
by Shaun Doyle
Salter’s trilobite, a national fossil of Wales
21 Apr 2021
Evidence for a young earth and biblical history.
by Tas Walker
Creation in-depth: Godless universe untenable
11 Jul 2014
A review of A Universe from Nothing by Lawrence M. Krauss.
by Dan W. Reynolds
Science: The unreliable historian
10 Jul 2014
Why we can’t rely on scientific discoveries to give an accurate account of what happened in the past.
by Kevin T. Horton
Worm evolution in pollution?
08 Dec 2021
by David Catchpoole
19th century minister to colleague: Darwin will drag you down
08 Jul 2014
Clear-thinking clergyman warned of the theological confusion that would follow from abandoning what God told us in Genesis and embracing Charles Darwin’s view of origins.
by Warren Nunn
Slaying yesterday’s dragons
07 Jul 2014
Some evolutionists believe strict Darwinian evolution has ‘reached the end of its rope’; get ready for new versions already in the wings.
by Robert Carter
Taking the Bible seriously?
06 Jul 2014
Is our authority God’s Word or secular uniformitarian ‘science’? Taking the Bible ‘seriously’ means taking it as God’s Word according to its original meaning.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Enigma Man: A Stone-age Mystery
05 Jul 2014
Has a new human species been found in China?
by Russell Grigg
Creation in-depth: Fossil jellyfish
04 Jul 2014
From ‘2.5Ga’ rocks in the Pilbara, Western Australia.
by Philip Worts
Big-bang backflip!
03 Jul 2014
Astrophysicists in damage control after big-bang ‘find’ doesn’t stand up to scrutiny.
by John G. Hartnett
Rats: no evolution!
02 Jul 2014
Agents of the ‘Black Death’, these much-despised rodents very clearly did not have a non-rodent ancestor.
by Paula Weston