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Caves and age
29 Jul 2013
How radioactive dating confuses the situation
by Emil Silvestru
Are women genetically superior to men?
28 Jul 2013
And other myths about the genetics and development of the sexes
by Rob Carter, Carl Wieland, Lita Cosner
Do Christians worship the one and only God?
27 Jul 2013
And what about demon possession vs mental illness?
by Lita Sanders
If evolutionists inspired Scripture
26 Jul 2013
We hope you enjoy this sneak preview from the now-released August issue of Journal of Creation. Subscribers will be delighted by the powerful, stimulating content.
by Lita Sanders
Moon formation theories fail
25 Jul 2013
The latest astronomical reports bring no joy, only increased bewilderment, to scientists who presume the Earth and its moon are billions of years old.
by Tas Walker
Coal: memorial to the Flood
19 May 2021
A memorial to Noah’s Flood.
by Tas Walker
Were duck-billed dinosaurs green, grey, blue, orange or … ?
23 Jul 2013
Those who say dinosaurs died out millions of years ago never expected to find the real skin of a hadrosaur, which now might be able to tell us about their colour.
by David Catchpoole
Alligator ancestor antics
22 Jul 2013
A fossil skull found with dinosaurs is identical to a modern American alligator, but was given a different scientific name, giving the illusion of evolution.
by Don Batten
Gender confused children
21 Jul 2013
There seems to be a rising incidence of boys who behave as girls and vice versa. What is going on?
by Don Batten
Millions of years?—Get real!
20 Jul 2013
Scientists find preserved trees and leaves, and say they are millions of years old. They’ve got to be joking.
by Jonathan O’Brien
Why the epidemic of fraud exists in science today
19 Jul 2013
Why the epidemic of fraud exists in science today
by Jerry Bergman
Evolution vs. God
18 Jul 2013
Can evolutionists answer tough questions about their beliefs?
by Lita Sanders