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The apparent age of the time dilated universe
24 Apr 2015
How clusters of stars lacking dust and gas impact the age of the universe.
by Ronald G. Samec
The Lamb—and Genesis history—in Scripture
23 Apr 2015
The truth of Christ as the Lamb of God was revealed long before His Incarnation—starting in Genesis.
by Carl Wieland
Fantastic miniature space lander invented
22 Apr 2015
A complex flying machine has scientists struggling to explain how it could have come into existence.
by Wilf Douglas
Epigenetics—an epic challenge to evolution
21 Apr 2015
Research indicates that many outward characteristics of organisms may be the result of ‘switching on’ of existing genes in response to the environment.
by Marc Ambler
Evangelizing from a creation foundation
20 Apr 2015
We hope you enjoy this sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the printed magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Lita Sanders
Can you survive without blood?
18 Apr 2015
A potential solution to the alarming loss of youth from the churches.
by Gary Bates
In the beginning … they misunderstood
17 Apr 2015
Two evangelical theologians set out to interpret Genesis 1 in its original context but is their methodology flawed?
by Andrew S Kulikovsky
Did dinosaurs evolve into birds?
16 Apr 2015
Birds are clearly distinct creatures from dinosaurs, with unique lung design, fully-formed feathers, and flying machinery. Even under evolutionary dating, undoubted birds are older than their alleged dinosaur ancestors.
by Jonathan Sarfati, Robert Carter
Do fish listen to opera?
15 Apr 2015
A cautionary tale about how the pronouncement of one scientist can be overturned by the observations of another.
by N/A
‘Easy meat’ for the lorikeet
14 Apr 2015
Why bother with nectar and pollen when there’s meat on the menu?
by David Catchpoole
Sea urchin spines
13 Apr 2015
Sea urchin spines are made from a crystal that contains impurities that stop cracks propagating. The fine architecture further strengthens the spine.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Entry-level Christian teaching should include biblical creation
11 Apr 2015
So often Christians have not received any training on how to defend their faith starting with the book of foundations–Genesis.
by Gary Bates