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‘Origins questions’—evolutionists puzzled, creationists muzzled
20 Oct 2006
As research progressively uncovers things that thwart naturalistic explanations, evolutionists are left to wonder. But they refuse to hear of a Creator.
by David Catchpoole and Jonathan Sarfati
Saddle up the horse, it’s off to the bat cave
17 Oct 2006
When genetic evidence fits the evolutionary belief system, humanists are quick to gloat. But what about when it totally contradicts it?
by Daniel Anderson
Alfred Russel Wallace—‘co-inventor’ of Darwinism
04 Dec 2013
It occurred to Alfred Russel Wallace during a fever fit in Ternate that fit animals survive better than the unfit; what could this possibly mean?
by By Russell Grigg
Evangelical wing of major Aussie church promotes ‘peace with evolution’
13 Oct 2006
The Sydney Anglicans are rightly respected for their stand on biblical authority. But a recent affiliated publication calls for seeing Genesis as ‘figurative’.
by Tas Walker
Rampaging Radishes
10 Oct 2006
These hybrid children were so successful, they not only formed a new species, they wiped out their parents. But if that’s evolution, why are creationists excited?
by Carl Wieland
The Riddle
10 Jan 2018
The Polled Dorset breed of sheep did not evolve—its hornlessness is the result of a mutation.
by By Jean Lightner
Nobel Prize for alleged big bang proof
07 Oct 2006
Despite the fanfare, the discovery for which this award was granted has been seriously discredited—including in very recent days.
by Jonathan Sarfati
The Simpsons and Scopes
04 Oct 2006
When a popular satirical TV show gets into creation/evolution, at least you know that it is a ‘live’ issue in the culture
by Shaun Doyle
Designer didn’t design junk
26 Aug 2020
Portions of the genome thought to have no purpose—disparagingly named ‘junk DNA ’—are now known to contain patterns suggesting instead an important functional role.
by David Catchpoole
The ‘Lucy Child’ More good news for creationists
22 Sep 2006
This fossil type is widely touted as our ancestor. The discovery of an extremely well-preserved specimen focuses attention on the evidence that things are not what evolutionists would have hoped.
by Carl Wieland
The Axolotl
18 Sep 2006
The axolotl lives in water but has legs to walk on the bottom. Some evolutionists think this is a perfect ‘missing link’, but the facts give a quite different picture.
by Jeffrey Dykes
Fossil evidence for alleged apemen—Part 2: non-Homo hominids
14 Sep 2006
Peter Line reviews the status of the varied fossils not labelled as ‘Homo’ that evolutionists interpret as our ancestors. He shows that their story does not stack up.
by Peter Line