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Long-distance transport of sediments
26 Jun 2020
Surprising catastrophism in sediments for uniformitarians; is it consistent with the Flood?
by Michael J. Oard
Was earth covered in water “3200 million years ago”?
25 Jun 2020
No! That was early during Noah’s Flood and continents still existed
by Tas Walker
Warped earth
24 Jun 2020
Folded, bent and deformed rock layers across the globe testify to catastrophe on an unimaginable scale.
by David Allen
The age of the earth—and why it matters
23 Jun 2020
Why billions of years is an even bigger issue than evolution.
by Gary Bates
A painting 95 million years in the making
22 Jun 2020
Did octopus fossil ink really survive millions of years?
by Phil Robinson
Paleozoic Corals and Lunar Recession
20 Jun 2020
The growth rings in Paleozoic corals are often used to support the idea that the earth is very old, but the argument was flawed from the beginning.
by Robert Carter
Is there purpose in evolution?
19 Jun 2020
A review of Is There Purpose in Biology? by Denis Alexander.
by Philip Bell
Having your cake, and eating it
18 Jun 2020
Evolution is often claimed to explain something and its opposite, so it certainly should not be called science, rather an unfalsifiable ideology!
by Lucien Tuinstra
Crouching tiger, hidden dinosaur?
17 Jun 2020
For the Chinese these huge creatures were not mythical.
by Don Batten
John Grigg, comet discoverer and Christian
16 Jun 2020
A pioneering astronomer in New Zealand who discovered several comets, and also a devoted Christian.
by Russell Grigg
Comet conundrum
15 Jun 2020
Where are the small craters expected by the ‘billions of years’ framework on Pluto’s moon Charon?
by Mark Harwood
Was there a curse of Ham?
13 Jun 2020
Is the curse of Ham real? Are there three races according to the sons of Noah? What can we learn from the Bible, history and science?
by Lucien Tuinstra