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Yes, Genesis really is historical narrative
28 Dec 2019
What does the grammar of Genesis tell us, and is this the only indicator of historical narrative.
by Jonathan Sarfati
“No To Racism” campaign backlash
27 Dec 2019
Will racism ever be eradicated? Does the world have the remedy? A return to biblical creation is needed: God made from one man every nation of mankind.
by Lucien Tuinstra
The Virginal Conception of Christ
21 Dec 2019
The Virginal Conception of Christ
by © Jonathan Sarfati, CMI–Australia
Praise God. He is using CMI to change lives!
20 Dec 2019
Creation ministry changes lives. Read the testimonies!
by Gary Bates
Unbelief ushers in unattendance
17 Dec 2019
Can a house divided against itself stand? Does a church that does not believe its own doctrines have a future?
by Lucien Tuinstra
Making sense of ‘Homo naledi
16 Dec 2019
It doesn’t fit any evolutionary story.
by Peter Line
Defining terms carefully
14 Dec 2019
How should we define terms like ‘evolution’, ‘atheism’, and ‘religion’?
by Shaun Doyle
Right about Genesis!
13 Dec 2019
An important defense of Genesis
by Andrew Kulikovsky
Is the mind all that matters?
12 Dec 2019
Does the brain represent the seat of our humanity? Is it okay to experiment with minibrains grown in the lab?
by Matthew Cserhati
Coming full circle
11 Dec 2019
Creation magazine talks with German astrophysicist, theologian and philosopher ‘Stephan’ who operates a mission to Muslims in many lands.
by CMI
When God rescued King Hezekiah, part 1
10 Dec 2019
Archaeology confirms the biblical account of Judah’s deliverance from Assyrian invaders.
by Keaton Halley
Submarine canyons bigger than Grand Canyon
09 Dec 2019
Carved as Noah’s Floodwaters receded
by Michael Oard