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Creation in Slovakia
16 Nov 2010
Australian physics professor at Slovak creation conference.
by John Hartnett
Snakes: designed to kill?
15 Nov 2010
Snakes look like they were designed to kill. How does this fit with God creating everything ‘very good’?
by Philip Bell
Soil formation and the age of the earth
13 Nov 2010
Soil formation is often invoked as a death blow to the historical reliability of the Bible and justify evolution over millions of years.
by Tas Walker
Scientific laws of information: part 2
12 Nov 2010
Materialistic evolution is the ‘perpetual motion machine’ of information.
by Werner Gitt
Heads I win, tails you lose
11 Nov 2010
Please advice ‘teaser’
by Dominic Statham
How to reach into schools without reaching into schools!
14 Jun 2022
Reaching school teachers with information they’ve never heard before is the key to exposing students to creation.
by Gary Bates
Vegetarian spider
08 Nov 2010
A jumping spider in Central America looks like an athletic predator, but it eats Acacia leaf tips and nectar.
by David Catchpoole
Genesis, history and Haeckel’s diagrams
06 Nov 2010
Is Genesis history? And universities still use Haeckel’s fraudulent embryo diagrams!
by Jonathan Sarfati and David Catchpoole
Scientific laws of information: part 1
05 Nov 2010
Why materialistic evolution can’t explain the origin of information in biology.
by Werner Gitt
‘Stone Age’ flour forces rethink
04 Nov 2010
The notion that early humans were primarily carnivorous has taken a hit.
by David Catchpoole
Pew survey reveals basic ignorance of Christian belief
02 Nov 2010
Most American Christians showed alarming ignorance of their own faith. What’s the solution?
by GB, LC
Four-eyed spookfish has mirror eyes
01 Nov 2010
Deep sea fish has unique mirror eye to see very faint light.
by Jonathan Sarfati